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Guestmix by Northern Zone (GER) for the Memento Radio Show on
Northern Zone is an artist hailing from north Germany. The man has already received support from the mighty Hospital Records, including bassline terrorist S.P.Y and Rood-FM friend Hugh Hardie but also from our favorite Russian liquid-producer Intelligent Manners. He was crowned the winner of S.P.Y’s remix competition for Hospital with his take on ‘Dusty Fingers’, with vocals from Diane Charlemagne, who recently passed away. He dedicated his remix to her. Not much later, he unleashed his new single into the world. Faint and Abyss, signed on Limitless Recordings, label of our friend Matthias De Rouck, are both lovely tracks that take you on a trip down memory lane, letting you experience the true beauty of mellow liquid drum & bass. The single also got featured on the first Inner Space D&B compilation on AudioPorn Records! Things are looking pretty good for this talented guy.