Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Black Mamba @ Toxic Sickness Radio Residency Show #11


Submitted by: AkiraDark95 @

Filetype: 320 kbit MP3
Length: 00:50:29

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Black Mamba - Toxic Sickness Residency #11 (March 2016)

This Month let's blow your mind on the new Kader's release out on Karnage Records (FR) and a personal selection of tracks from the new Spanish

compilation "Tunnel Of Terror", out on Phrenetikal Records. You can add to this, stuff from my mates Stinger, Relapse, Trackdriver and the Brada Animal

Tag !

Let's move on!

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1. Kader - Industrial Techno-logy
2. Kader - Disorders
3. Stinger - Acts Of God
4. Relapse - Carwash Cunt
5. Kader & Industrial Frequency - Nuclear Launch Detected
6. Trackdriver - Echoes Of Darkness
7. Animal Tag - Charged
8. Bass Creation - Rawstepper
9. The Freaky Bastard - Syndicate
10. Black Mamba - Mamba Strike!
11. The Vinylraider - Here Me Fart
12. Extreme Rage - No Party
13. HellCreator - 20 Seconds to Comply
14. Stinger - Straight Outta Roffa (Section Grabuge Remix)
15. Section Grabuge - Policia
16. Trackdriver - Hit Me Hard (Animal Tag's Hit Me Harder Remix)