Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Donkey Rollers @ X-Qlusive B-Front


Submitted by: Devasticate @
Last edited by: JeffreyFCT @

Length: 00:31:31
Rated by: EceergDJ Thermus eventslovenia P4RTYLOV3R chicomaster BartyFire Er_MuReNa MattiX believe-web grrraaaaa Lewaru daKloze mstx DJ-Gracio Meggido Tomix FlufflePuff strippom lexxtraxx Mr.Johnny.Napalm Sassie Hansolo View all ratings
Favorited by: chicomaster BartyFire DJ-Gracio EceergDJ aiantis

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1. Donkey Rollers - No One Can Stop Us (Showtek Kwartjes Mix)
2. Donkey Rollers - Strike Again (Psyko Punkz Remix)
3. Donkey Rollers - Chaos
4. Donkey Rollers - Justice 4 All
5. Donkey Rollers - The Fusion Of Sound
  w/ Return Corp's ft. Hollow - Wrong Frequency (Zany Remix)
6. Donkey Rollers - Total Domination
7. Donkey Rollers - The Sound Of The Beast (Dr. Rude Remix)
8. Donkey Rollers - Voice Of Conscience
9. Donkey Rollers - Immeasurably
10. Donkey Rollers - So You Wanna Be Hardcore
11. B-front & Donkey Rollers - Vitruvius (Chapter II)
12. Donkey Rollers - Der Rammachine
13. Donkey Rollers - D.O.N.K.E.Y.

EceergDJ -
Zippy added  :)
MattiX -
01. Donkey Rollers - No One Can Stop Us (Showtek Kwartjes Mix) [Fusion Records - FUSION 036-5]

one thing i noticed with this set and 2-sidez there is no mixing?? its just play a track stop next track etc.. is that normal with hardstyle now?