Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Chok dee vs. Axel Erator @ Footworxx - Sandy Warez Bday 2016


Submitted by: JeffreyFCT @

Length: 00:47:46
Rated by: DopeyMHL

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1. The Punisher - Give Me (Meccano Twins Remix)
2. Sjammienators & System Overload - Rumble
3. System Overload vs Chok Dee vs Axel Erator - Yeah Bitch
4. ID (ID)
5. Darkcontroller & A-Kriv - Pump
6. Repix - Misery
7. ID (ID)
8. Vandal!sm - Rip It Hard
9. Destructive Tendencies & Hardbouncer - Destiny (Darkcontroller Remix)
10. Paul Elstak - Bad Girl (Cryogenic & Angernoizer Remix)
11. Vandal!sm - Fuck The Critics
12. Cryogenic - Victimized (Chrono Remix)
13. Batch - Oh Shit
14. Disturbia - Say Your Prayers
15. Partyraiser & Chaotic Hostility - Helemaal Knettah
16. Spitnoise & Death Shock - Brahh
17. Destructive Tendencies - Our Core (Hellstriker Remix)
18. Darkcontroller - Apocalyptic Darkness (Dark Connection Remix)
19. The Punisher - Side To Side
20. ID (ID)
21. System Noize - Front Line
22. Hardbouncer - Fuck My Kicks Up
23. Cryogenic - Underground Madness
24. ID (ID)
25. Goetia - Fuck Y Up
26. Pyrut - Ein Zwei Polizei (Dr. Peacock's Re-Master)
27. Axel Erator & Chok Dee - Lean On Pitch The Bass Knob