Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Digital Punk @ Unleashed 036


Submitted by: Thermus @
Last edited by: Hansolo @

Filetype: MP3
Length: 01:08:44

More info
Unleashed Soldiers! 3 years ago we started this podcast and look where we are now! Can you believe it?! I'd like to thank you all for your support and dedication. You are the thriving engine behind Unleashed!

Here is my way of saying 'thank you':

Guess what... a new event! Dangerouzmind & Digital Punk present - The Unleashed Offensive (08.04.2016)! The names of the line-up are hidden in the show. Watch and listen carefully and post them in the comments when you found them  ;)

This episode contains 2 of my new tracks. Besides that it features new tracks by Hard Driver, Radical Redemption, Crypsis and B-Front.

Rated by: Thermus Lewaru dhrrob90 Rocko Glennpeters21 Meggido chicomaster EceergDJ Quatto Joeyy bAsher26
Favorited by: dhrrob90

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1. Sub Zero Project & Sub Sonik - Headbanger
2. Crypsis - Tuatara (Artifact Remix)
3. Kronos - The Game
4. MYST & Iqlusion - Shut Your Mouth
5. Hard Driver - F#CK NO!
6. B-Front - Dark Moon
7. Frequencerz - Open Your Mind
8. Endymion - Testify
9. Clockartz - Humanity
10. Crypsis - Highest Pressure (Radical Redemption Remix)
11. B-Front & The Pitcher - Which Wolf To Feed
12. Phuture Noize - Quickshot
13. Notorious Two - Partners In Crime
14. Outbreak ft. Cuntmafia - Rebel Territory
15. The Pitcher - Bigger Gang Bigger Guns
16. Alpha² - Willow Waly
17. Digital Punk - Invasion (Sub Zero Project Remix)
18. Mean Machine - Rise Of The Machine
19. Radical Redemption & Digital Punk - Coitus
20. Neophyte & Evil Activities with E-Life & Alee - Exodus (Exodus 2016 Anthem)

Meggido -
Maaaaan... what is raw becoming.... always the same beats, poor me that loved it two years ago and now it's clearly not my thing anymore... I feel like it's stuck in a bad circle... Thank god there's the tracks of Phuture Noize..