Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Zerox @ RHR.FM

Rated by: zerox CrazyDutchMan
Favorited by: zerox

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1. Intro
2. Heady & Lil Villain - Back In Town
3. Adrenalize - All The Memories
4. Airtunes - Legacy
5. Envine - Sunlight
6. DJ Isaac & Crystal Lake ft. Alphavile - Stick Em / Forever Young (Zerox Mashup / Edit)
7. Noisecontrollers x Motorcycle x Sound Rush - Pillars Of Astral Rush
8. Pulsatorz - Trips
9. Raxtor - Revelation
10. Refuzion - Without You
11. Juized - Get Up
12. Breakerzz & Pieter Sahieter - Mashup ALS
13. Wave Pressure - Take Me High
14. Zatox - Back To The Oldschool
15. Electronic Vibes - Victory
16. TNT vs Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike vs Zatox - Oscarina Intensity (Zatox Mashup)
17. TNT - Flash
18. Code Black - Predator
19. Zatox - Supermesciappone 2015
20. Artifact & Solutio - Mystic
21. The Strangerz - Tricky Little Derb Motherfucker
22. Ran-D - Crossroads (Clockartz & Chris One Remix)