Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Terrorbillie-Eelco @ Terrorbillie Podcast 011


Submitted by: terrorbillie-eelco @

Filetype: 320 kbit MP3
Length: 00:47:06

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1. Andy The Core - Brutal Method
2. Bartoch & The Punisher - Kick Your Fucking Ass
3. Destructive Tendencies ft. Andy The Core - Drug & Alcohol Abuse
4. s'Ahpira - Perfect Insanity
5. The Punisher & Adrenokrome - Whos The Next
6. Hellstriker - The Buest
7. The Destroyer - Bassdrum Research
8. Drokz & Counterfeit - Whats That Sound
9. Sandy Warez - On The Noise
10. Unrest - Just A Punk
11. X-Mind - Mescaline (Bit Reactors Remix)
12. Sandy Warez ft. Bartoch - Rock & Roll Hardcore
13. Plague - Terrorists Never Miss (SRB Remix)
14. SRB - Cheater Booster
15. SRB - Mind Over Matter (Noisekick Remix)
16. Drokz - Ik Heb Overal Schijt Aan!
17. Hard Infantry ft. s'Aphira - The New Diabolic
18. Cemon Victa - Rorret Le Core