Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Ron D Core @ Enchantment Rave

Early Terror

Submitted by: SandStorm @
Last edited by: SandStorm @

Filetype: 128 kbit MP3
Length: 01:15:41

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Phoenix, Arizona
Tracklist from - Gabbatrcklistwrld

Rated by: hardcorerepublic pointlesspoint
Favorited by: deanoj

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1. Tank Source - Cocaine Thrash Nite
2. Sand-E - Hardbond (Gabbabond Mix)
3. Hellfish ‎- Bring On The Hurricane Pain
4. Disciples Of Belial - Mutilation
5. The Enticer - The Battle
6. Sunjammer - I Am Not A Monster
7. ID (ID 00:17:30)
8. Hardcore Fiends - Comply
9. Gangstar Toons Industry - Camel (Class-A Mix)
10. Gangstar Toons Industry - Untitled (B1) [GTI 005]
11. Pure vs Gangstar Toons Industry ‎- Speeed
12. Kenny Gee - Pray For Gabba
13. Traffik - Trip To Hell
14. The Hardcore Fiend - Rehabilitated
15. The Noize Junkie - In My Head
16. Traffik - Point Break
17. Tieum - Hardcyp
18. Ron D Core - Lord Of Deadside
19. ID (ID)
20. Ron D Core - Fuck Deep House
21. ID (ID)
22. Interrupt Vector - N Word Jim
23. ID (ID 01:02:06)
24. ID (ID 01:07:22)
25. Glenn Wilson - Pump Action
26. ID (??? 01:12:44 Jeff Mills?)
27. ID (ID 01:15:30)

pointlesspoint -
Coherent incoherence
22 - 00:58:24 - Interrupt Vector - N Word Jim [Canadian Speedcore Resistance ‎– CSR1] "2003"
23 - 01:02:06 - ???
24 - 01:07:22 - ???
25 - 01:09:23 - Glenn Wilson - Pump Action [Heroes – HEROES 04] "2002" (ID'ed by Mixcloud)
26 - 01:12:44 - ??? Jeff Mills?
27 - 01:15:30 - ??? extra ID

Timestamps by Blastfast!
Edited by pointlesspoint on 14-05-2022 12:52