Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Demanufacturer @ The Third Movement Radio - Outside The Box

Industrial Hardcore

Submitted by: Demanufacturer @
Last edited by: PatrickG88 @

Filetype: 320 kbit MP3
Length: 00:48:46

More info
Guestmix by Demanufacturer on the Outside The Box show on The Third Movement Radio

"We're lucky tonight, as we get to revel in the darkness that is Demanufacturer! " - TTM

Rated by: hardcorerepublic stefan__EHV Maximumraver

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1. Cyberstruct - The Industrial Age (Kader Remix)
2. The Outside Agency - DMT
3. Demanufacturer - Inner Blight
4. D-Passion - Resurrection
5. Demanufacturer - Death Support System V2
6. Synaptic Memories - Prothean
7. How Hard & Sinogen - Blind Faith (Dissident Remix by Demanufacturer)
8. Synaptic Memories & Sacerdos Vigilia - Xylamide
9. Densha Crisis - Noir Core (Fracture 4 Eyes Closed Remix)
10. Somniac One - Mechanics
11. Ragnarok & Demanufacturer - Forlorn
12. Destroy Your Destiny - LMB (Princess Remix By ALT+F4)
13. Synaptic Memories & Sacerdos Vigilia - Possessed By Distortion
14. Omkara Techichi - We Return From Exile
15. Biomek & Demanufacturer - Soulpurgers
16. Micromakine - Hopeless Future (Embrionyc Remix)
17. ID (Demanufacturer - ID)