Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Faizar @ Q-Dance presents NEXT 93


Submitted by: duyfken @

Filetype: 128 kbit MP3
Length: 00:59:50
Rated by: AkiraDark95 CrazyDutchMan
Favorited by: CrazyDutchMan

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1. Faizar - Hands Up High
2. Faizar - Alive
3. Faizar - Space Factory
4. Envine - Sunlight
5. Le Shuuk - Bombay (Omegatypez Remix)
6. Faizar - Uncharted
7. Faizar - Space Disco
8. Rebourne & Faizar - Satellites
9. Faizar & Avana - Don't Give Up
10. Pherato - On My Way
11. Cyber & Villain - The Forgotten Path (Official Pumpkin 2015 Anthem)
12. Avana - The B-Side
13. Nightfall - Boom Like
14. Zatox - Noisemaker (Code Black Remix)
15. Adaro - Hit You With That Bang Shit (Outbreak Remix)
16. Noisecontrollers - Revolution Is Here (Donkey Rollers Remix)
17. Inceptum - Symbol