Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Dj Coresta @ Dj Hidden special

Drum & Bass   Crossbreed

Submitted by: Coresta @
Last edited by: Coresta @

Filetype: 320 kbit MP3
Length: 01:25:31

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First (new) episode of... Dj Coresta in the mix, with today a very special mix of none other then my hero.. Dj Hidden.

Ok, so... i wanted to make a Dj Hidden mix for a long time. His last brutal new ep "Evah Green" gave me the final push to actually do it.

I've chosen 30 tracks that in my opinion are some of the best, most epic pieces of art Dj Hidden has created.

Enjoy. Next Dj Coresta in the mix episode coming soon.

Rated by: Dam1en

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1. DJ Hidden - The traveller (Extended intro)
2. DJ Hidden & Eye-D - Ascender
3. DJ Hidden - Dying Star
4. DJ Hidden - Chosen
5. DJ Hidden - Earth Cry
6. Niveau Zero - My Dog (DJ Hidden Remix)
7. DJ Hidden - Grid Based
8. DJ Hidden - The Narrators
9. Rregula & Dementia - Into My Mind (DJ Hidden Remix)
10. DJ Hidden - The Outsider Looking In
11. DJ Hidden - Drawn In
12. DJ Hidden - Onyo
13. DJ Hidden - The Dreamer
14. DJ Hidden - The Ignorance
15. DJ Hidden - Once Upon A Time In Porto
16. Cativo - Evil Has No Boundaries (DJ Hidden Remix)
17. DJ Hidden & Eye-D - Chemical Dreams
18. The Outside Agency - Favorite Sin
19. DJ Hidden - Evah Green
20. DJ Hidden - You're Not Real
21. DJ Hidden - Untouched
22. DJ Hidden - Scintillate
23. DJ Hidden - Burn
24. DJ Hidden - The Signs
25. The Outside Agency & Current Value - They Are Human (Listen To Me VIP)
26. Dylan - Virus (DJ Hidden Remix)
27. The Outside Agency - Surreal
28. DJ Hidden - The Devil's Instant
29. Semiomime - Six Steps
30. DJ Hidden - Untitled (Outro)