Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Syrinx @ WWYS Podcast 014

Drum & Bass

Submitted by: Hansolo @

Length: 00:43:57

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Rated by: Hansolo

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1. Limewax - Jupiter
2. ID (TBA)
3. C-Netik & Syrinx - Alien Menace
4. ID (TBA)
5. Syrinx - Masturbating Fiendly Hobo
6. ID (TBA)
7. Syrinx - Bamabus Wizardcock With Cat Axe
8. Syrinx - Returned
9. ID (TBA)
10. C-Netik & Syrinx - Stargate
11. Syrinx - The Gold Stars & The Demons Wars
12. Hardlogik - Experts In Hell (Syrinx Experts In Swag Remix)
13. Syrinx - The Leek & The Cabbage (Satan Remix)
14. Evol Intent - Middle Of The Night (Syrinx Remix)
15. Kalashnikov - Fucking (Venganza & Dub Elements VIP)
16. Freqax & C-Netik - Be My Victim
17. Dying Punks & Current Value - Love All The People
18. Freqax & Neks - Missing Person
19. Current Value - Evac
20. Hungry & Vein vs. Satan - Grave Mistake
21. Hardlogik - Never Change
22. QkHack & Stonerice - Fans
23. Syrinx - Gabba (C-Netik Remix)