Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Drokz vs. Akira @ North NSA 32

Early Terror

Submitted by: tombstone @
Last edited by: JurneSleddens @

Filetype: 320 kbit MP3
Length: 00:39:10
Rated by: tombstone BradWinter

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1. Maniak - Prrrfff
2. Traffik - Incriminating Evidence
3. Count Negative - Enough Misery - Shit 005
4. ID (ID)
5. The Speed Freak - Once Again Back (Soundz Of The Wickedness) (1)
6. Coffeecore - 7 O'Clock Coffee
7. Senical - Crap Factory
8. Traffik - Mind Meld
9. ID (ID)
10. ID (ID)
11. ID (ID)
12. ID (ID)
13. Coffeecore - Cappuchino Maffia
14. ID (ID)
15. Count Negative - We Don't Help You Part 1
16. ID (Disciples of Annihilation - Zu Leiten)
17. ID (ID)
18. The Shaftmen - Shaftmen (Delta Nine Remix)
19. Drokz & Tails - Speed
20. Euromasters - Alles Naar De Kl--te (250 BPM Remix By Dimitri)
21. The Destroyer - Arcade X-Perience (4 Levels Of Hardcore)
22. The Destroyer - Oxygene
23. ID (ID)
24. ID (ID)
25. ID (ID)
26. ID (Joshua - ID)
27. ID (ID)
28. ID (ID)
29. The Speed Freak - Steel-Finger (1)

Kokacore -
 :censored:  :censored:  :censored:  :censored:
SandStorm [Set Editor] -
It's A Dirty Job...
new mediafire link added  :thumbsup:
javi_centralero -
Good audio quality???
mrbobross -
New link but totally different duration.
pointlesspoint -
Coherent incoherence
03 - 00:01:45 - Count Negative - Enough Misery - Shit 005
05 - 00:05:20 - The Speed Freak - Once Again Back (Soundz Of The Wickedness)
16 - 00:27:05 - D.O.A. - Zu Leiten - IS024

23 - 00:??:?? - ??? Hardcore Crossbreed Records? The Enticer etc.?
26 - 00:??:?? - Joshua - ???
29 - 00:??:?? - The Speed Freak - Steelfinger - one of them versions
Bedlam -
Flicking through know a few more but to need to listen to it properly other things to do.

24 mins DJ Tron
25.30 mins Creatures Of The Occult
27 mins D.O.A. - Zu Leiten
40 mins The Enticer
43 mins The Enticer
52 mins Joshua the one with SpeedyQ's
57 mins Hardcoholics maybe Deathchant or Noise Factory
pointlesspoint -
Coherent incoherence
That one The Enticer track The Ceremony (Choice Edit) i think plays from 00:40:00, should check but for the other i might have to listen one time to Core25's mix tribute to Hardcore Crossbreed Records to discover more by The Enticer/Sunjammer.

Some ID's thx to your tips:
14 - 00:23:45 - DJ Tron - I Believe In Pain - Storm Records Scotland
26 - 00:51:00 - Joshua - La Voix D'outre Tombe - Ks

Last track =>
34 - 01:14:00 - The Speed Freak - Wonderland - Psychik Genocide
Edited by pointlesspoint on 16-12-2023 17:22
Bedlam -
27. Moleculez - Cyborg Central
28. Fracture 4 - Room Full Of Stormtroopers
29. Hammer Damage - No, Not This Fuckin' Time