Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

MelHardest @ Uptempo


Submitted by: MelHardest @
Last edited by: MelHardest @

Filetype: MP3
Length: 00:50:09
Rated by: Baspa

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1. Carles S & Knutek - Slim Street
2. Hungry Beats - The Flames
3. Bit Reactors - 02 - Oh Shit
4. Dr. Peacock - QLZMR
5. Braincrash - Give it away
6. ADRENOKROME - 09 - Fight Music - The Braindrillerz
7. Hyrule War - Fallen Men
8. Brutal Jesters ft. MC Dawa - Full Dawa (Flagelle moi Avec Une Pelle)
9. Dr. Peacock - Vive La Volta (Icon 2012 Anthem)
10. Dr. Peacock - Trip to Amerika
11. Maotai - The Inception
12. Dr. Peacock - Mysoline
13. Dr.Peacock - Walking In The Air
14. Dr. Peacock - Unite!
15. Hungry Beats - Fuck It!
16. Dr.Peacock & Diamox - I-Bam
17. Pyrut - Ein Zwei Polizei (Dr. Peacock's Re-Master)