Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Brennan Heart @ Defqon.1 2015


Submitted by: Motorhead @
Last edited by: JeffreyFCT @

Filetype: VBR MP3
Length: 00:59:14
Rated by: mstx dhrrob Meggido Antek P4RTYLOV3R real7a Jameyhartgers bubbel Thermus Fluttershy BenderY3K bAsher26 dach1007 vuxajoro AkiXxX bull83 hackash nevs pixel27 Mysticdummy Opperhoofd AkiraDark95 View all ratings
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1. Dune - Hardcore Vibes (1)
2. Brennan Heart & The Prophet - Wake Up!
3. Brennan Heart - F.I.F.O.
4. Brennan Heart & Audiotricz ft. CHRISTON - Coming Home
5. Deepack - Down Low 2015
6. Blademasterz - In The End (Dailucia Remix)
7. Code Black & Wasted Penguinz - End Like This
8. Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike vs Ummet Ozcan - The Hum (WE R Hardstyle Edit) (1)
9. Brennan Heart & Jonathan Mendelsohn - Imaginary (Decibel 2014 Edit)
10. Brennan Heart & Jonathan Mendelsohn - Follow The Light (Live Edit)
11. Proppy & Heady - Summer Of Hardstyle
12. Crisis Era ft. MYNXY - Get Wild
13. Brennan Heart & Dailucia - Fck On Coc4ine
14. Brennan Heart & Wildstylez - Lose My Mind
15. Blademasterz - Still Here (1)
16. Blademasterz - Audio Care (only vocals)
17. Menace II Society - Chronic Disorder (Live Edit)
18. Showtek - FTS (Hard Mix)
19. Brennan Heart - Outta My Way (Sub Sonik Remix)
20. Showtek - Partylover (Sydney Mix)
21. Wildstylez & Noisecontrollers - Just Attack As Easy Again (Mash Up)
22. Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike vs Brennan Heart - Million
23. Blademasterz - One Blade

xTherd -
1. Brennan Heart & The Prophet - Wake Up
2. Brennan Heart - F.I.F.O
3. Brennan Heart & Audiotricz feat. CHRISTON - Coming Home
4. ID - ID ?
5. Blademasterz - In The End (Dailucia Remix)
6. Code Black & Wasted Penguinz - End Like This 
7. Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike vs. Ummet Ozcan - The Hum (ID Remix)
8. Brennan Heart ft. Johnatan Mendelson - Imaginary (/w live vocals)
9. Brennan Heart ft. Johnatan Mendelson - Follow the Lights (/w live vocals)
10. Proppy & Heady - Summer of Hardstyle
11. ID - ID
12. Brennan Heart - ID
13. Brennan Heart & Wildstylez - Lose My Mind
14. Blademasterz - ID (Still here?)
15. Menace II Society - Chronic Disorder
16. Showtek - FTS (ID Remix)
17. Brennan Heart - Outta My Way (Sub Sonik Remix)
18. (short sample of old track but i dont remember the title)
19. Brennan Heart - Just As Easy Again
20. Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike vs. Brennan Heart - Smash The House 
21. Brennan Heart aka Blademasterz - One Blade (/w Max Enforcer & Frontliner - On The Go intro)
Edited by xTherd on 20-06-2015 11:20
Motorhead -
1. ??? (Live Stream Did Not Show)
2. Brennan Heart & The Prophet - Wake Up!
3. Brennan Heart - F.I.F.O
4. Brennan Heart & Audiotricz ft. Christon - Coming Home
5. Deepack - Down Low 2015
6. Blademasterz - In The End (Dailucia Remix)
7. Code Black & Wasted Penguinz - End Like This
8. Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike vs Ummet Ozcan - The Hum (Brennan Heart Remix)
9. Brennan Heart & Jonathan Mendelsohn - Imaginary (Decibel 2014 Edit)
10. Brennan Heart & Jonathan Mendelsohn - Follow The Light (Live Edit)
11. The Prophet & Headhunterz - Summer Of Hardstyle
12. TBA - TBA
13. DJ Yoeri - Fuck On Cocaine (Brennan Heart Remix)
14. Brennan Heart & Wildstylez - Lose My Mind
15. Blademasterz - TBA
16. Blademasterz - Audio Care (only vocals)
17. Menace II Society - Chronic Disorder (Live Edit)
18. Showtek - FTS (Hard Mix)
19. Brennan Heart - Outta My Way (Sub Sonik Remix)
20. Showtek - Partylover (Sydney Mix)
21. Brennan Heart vs. Wildstylez & Noisecontrollers - Just Attack As Easy Again (Mashup)
22. Brennan Heart - Defqon.1 2015 Mash-Up Tool
23. Blademasterz - One Blade
Edited by Motorhead on 20-06-2015 18:56
BenderY3K -
15. Blademasterz - Still Here
Motorhead -
On 23-06-2015 13:48:04, BenderY3K wrote:

15. Blademasterz - Still Here

BenderY3K -
On 23-06-2015 14:34:41, Motorhead wrote:



Same Track like on Saturdays Endshow.
ManiakHS -
1. Dune - Hardcore Vibes
pixel27 -
1. Dune - Hardcore Vibes
22. Max Enforcer & Frontliner - On The Go mashup