Shoutbox: [27-12] hardcorerepublic: Japan

The Outside Agency @ Outcast #03 (Pandemonium)

Early Hardcore

Submitted by: Knomo @
Last edited by: hardcorerepublic @

Length: 00:33:00

More info
This is a composite of the three 'early rave' live shows we've performed at Pandemonium events over the years. It features sections taken from all three shows, which we've edited together to highlight our own favorite takes of these tracks.

Rated by: Knomo ThaClown TimTim Snertwijf Luukjahhh hardcorerepublic stefan__EHV HardT3K-Tic Motorhead Haatpiraat TheDudeJustin tripomatic DJ_Casketkrusher NAPniels VerCouter LPM R-Mand Nerazzurro McBong bisber Robintjuh AlanIsDOMINATOR Sarge MaGGieL hardevg Ownz real7a frenker EviLiv AgeJ Hansolo View all ratings
Favorited by: real7a

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1. The Outside Agency - Intro
2. The Outside Agency - We Move As One
3. The Outside Agency - Touch The Darkness
4. The Outside Agency - Hardcore Headz
5. The Outside Agency - Running Rhymes
6. The Outside Agency - Brainwaves
7. X-Factor - The Underground
8. The Outside Agency - Daze of Old VIP

Knomo -
Why? Because fuck you, thats why
Beestachtig  :thumbsup2:
Snertwijf -
Vet gedaan!  :yay:
Haatpiraat -
tripomatic -
"nou, dat dus........."
We Move As One  8-)
VerCouter -
Is kaas met een e?
On 12-06-2015 22:07:51, tripomatic wrote:

We Move As One  8-)


Best lastig tegeloven dat dit van TOA is. Ben je zo niet meer gewend na al die nieuwe meuk van ze.
Edited by VerCouter on 13-06-2015 09:36
Nerazzurro -
Heeft Touch The Darkness een nieuwe kick gekregen? Lijkt erop dat ie iets vlakker is geworden, al heb ik hem tot nu toe nog nooit in hoge kwaliteit gehoord. Is trouwens wel meer gesleuteld aan tracks. Had niet gehoeven van mij maar klinkt nog steeds wel leuk.
Edited by Nerazzurro on 13-06-2015 14:39