Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Audio Enhancer @ Raw Uit De Maat 12

Rated by: dhrrob real7a
Favorited by: dhrrob real7a

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1. Temple One ft. Neev Kennedy - Love The Fear (Tom Fall Remix) (Star Driver Hardstyle Mashup)
2. The R3bels - Shade
3. Desnar - Criminal
4. Noisecontrollers - Give It Barbra
5. Frontliner - I'm the Melodyman (Audio Enhancer Cut)
6. Leaving Las Vegas - Shockwave
7. Kodex VS. Chris One - Predatory Instinct
8. E-Force & Deetox - Rawness
9. Kronos - Kannibals
10. Encoder - Pain