Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Cup-a-Core @ Hardsound Radio Mutated Podcast 01

UK Hardcore

Submitted by: Hansolo @

Length: 01:08:56
Rated by: terrormaffreaker hardcorerepublic Hansolo Nerazzurro DopeyMHL mudkipz tripomatic MaGGieL ThaClown Haatpiraat

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1. The Hardcoholics - D.E.X.T.E.R
2. Deathmachine - The 5th Mutation
3. Autopsy vs. Tugie - Machine Project (Autopsy's Smash & Grab Refix!)
4. Stormtrooper - Eckesachs
5. The Teknoist - Lion Girl
6. DJ Tugie - Kickin' it Hard
7. DJipe - P.O.N.T.A.S
8. The DJ Producer - Science Friction
9. Autopsy - I Like It Loud (Duran Duran Duran Remix)
10. Hellfish - Rip the Cut
11. Scheme Boy - Parvolex (The Teknoist Remix)
12. Deathmachine - Psychotoxic Stompbox²
13. Autopsy - Ready 4 War (repeat Edit)
14. Stormtrooper - Rap Whores
15. Hellfish & Bryan Fury - Dog Porn
16. DJ Tugie - Crippling Audio
17. The DJ Producer - Knowledge Revisited
18. Dolphin & The Teknoist - Chevvers Gave Us These Crap Dr Who Samples And This Is What We Did
19. Fiend - Nuclear Material
20. Hellfish - No More Rock 'n Roll (Koala Fish Mutant Bird Mix)

terrormaffreaker -
Neophyte leeft en jezus beeft!!
Whee Cup a core :P das een tijd geleden dat ik dat voor het laatst hoorde :O
Edited by terrormaffreaker on 07-06-2015 05:32
tripomatic -
"nou, dat dus........."
Hellfish - No More Rock 'n Roll (Koala Fish Mutant Bird Mix)

MaGGieL -
AA is for quitters
Lekkere tracklist!
ThaClown -
In theory everything is straight
Héérlijk mixje  :D ...
hardcorerepublic [Moderator] -
♪ ♫♫ ♪
aka Cup-a-Core - HSR MUTATED 05-30(?)-2015
Hansolo [Set Editor] -
Yes, it's the same set  ^.^