Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Stationary Travels @ Headphone Commute Mix - The Ocean Inside


Submitted by: PatrickG88 @

Filetype: 320 kbit MP3
Length: 00:38:39

More info
Stationary Travels started about two years ago as a journey of musical discovery (thanks in no small part to Headphone Commute, by the way). One of the first revelations I encountered was a very vibrant electronic music scene coming out of Iran. Those who have been paying attention know it encompasses much more than just ambient and modern classical, but these are the styles that have resonated the most with me personally. This mix exclusively features artists from that scene I have been listening to recently. I find each of these tracks to be captivating and rich with emotional depth and I think the music here speaks to the ocean inside all of us. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have.

Rated by: Thermus

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1. Siavash Amini - A Mist Of Grey Light
2. Siavash Amini - Aliosha And The Fire
3. Idlefon - Reminiscence
4. Idlefon ft. Nima Pourkarimi - Pickers Of Empty Cocoons
5. Umchunga - The Dusk, The Car, The Rain And Down In The Bottle
6. Porya Hatami - Ladybug
7. Porya Hatami - Farewell
8. Tegh - Down
9. Tegh & Kamyar Tavakoli - Hollow
10. Arash Akbari - Rays From A Dead Star
11. Arash Akbari - Until Time Sits By Your Side