Shoutbox: [04-01] hardcorerepublic: the forecast looks promising indeed  ^.^

RawCore @ Hard Night - Black Dome

Hardstyle   Hardcore   Industrial Hardcore

Submitted by: RawCore @
Last edited by: Hansolo @

Filetype: 320 kbit MP3
Length: 00:57:38

More info
This was Hard Night "Black Dome" Denmark (City Venue Copenhagen)

I've made a Re-Run of my set. I wasn't able to record it during some technical problems.

This was the last set of the event.

Rated by: dhrrob CB92 RawCore Unresolvedmedia DeimosOfficial
Favorited by: dhrrob RawCore

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1. Hard Driver - The Red Kill (RawCore Hard Night 2015 Edit)
2. Catatonic Overload - The Sexual Thrill 2015 (Project Project Exile Remix)
3. Luna & E-Force - The Game
4. DJ Luna - Vengeance (Edit)
5. SoundWaves - Mashup
6. Frequencerz & Jack Of Sound & Deetox - Hollow Voodoo (RawCore Mashup)
7. Unresolved & Randal - Thug
8. Artifact - Sanctum
9. HardFuserz - Skinwalker
10. Minus Militia vs. Digital Mindz & Riiho - Cracking Your Party Ribs (Amain Mashup Edit)
11. Titan & The Machine - Apocalypse (Edit)
12. Exit Mind - Loudness Tool
13. E-Force & Digital Punk & The Machine & The Geminizers - Oh My GodCore (RawCore Mashup)
14. Atmozfears & Sub Zero Project - Madman
15. Bass Chaserz - Reach Up In Ya Mouth
16. Stereotuners - Darkness falls
17. Deetox - Bring The Riot (Edit)
18. Primefire - T.T.T
19. Brennan Heart - Outta My Way (Sub Sonik Remix)
20. Deimos - Kryll
21. DJ Typhoon - In Other Words
22. Sasha F - The Bad Guy
23. E-Force & Deetox - Rawness
24. Warface - H8M3! (Edit)
25. N-Vitral - Hardcore Warfare
26. DJ Mad Dog & Rob Gee - Namasté Motherfuckers
27. Art of Fighters - Goodbye (See You Next Time)