Shoutbox: [11:47] Vinyl_Vinnie: Happy Holidays everyone!

Dr. Conjo @ Hardshock 2015 Warm-Up Mix


Submitted by: terror_tripK0181 @
Last edited by: Hansolo @

Filetype: 192 kbit MP3
Length: 01:02:00

More info
een warmup mix om in de stemming te komen
bij de 1 na laatse nummer had ik jammer genoeg een timingsfoutje gemaakt excuses daarvoor

A warmupmix to get in the mood,
at the end i made a mistake with the timing
apologies for that

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1. Sylenz - Snake Theory
2. Sylenz - System Overdrive
3. A-Kriv & Out Of Mind - Bang With The Gang
4. Hardbouncer - God Core (2014 Refix)
5. System Overload - Wake Up Remix (Wars Industry Remix)
6. Unrest - Hellzfire
7. Hardbouncer & Aggressive - This Is For The Underground Headz
8. The Demon Dwarf - Talk Dirty
9. Distortion & Dione - Before Dawn (2015 Mastermix)
10. Partyraiser & Darkcontroller - God, What The Hell?!
11. Unrest - Pussy Generation
12. Dave Dope & DJ Apathy & Drokz - Start The Madness
13. Drokz & MC Prozac - Hardcore Bloodline (Unity 2015 Anthem)
14. Unrest - Kk Lampies
15. The Demon Dwarf - Sjonnie
16. System Overload vs Spitnoise - This Is What We Do
17. Partyraiser & Scrape Face - Roll The Bass
18. Spitnoise ft. Tharoza - Technology
19. Dave Dope - Trippin' Ragga Bitch
20. Unrest - Feeding Bullshit
21. Unrest - The End
22. DRS - Click Clack