Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Addict @ Oldschool 2.0 mixtape

Jump   Hardstyle

Submitted by: Addict @
Last edited by: Hansolo @

Length: 01:00:00
Rated by: kaiihc4l

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1. Addict - intro
2. Bartello - Wicked face up
3. Yves - Bloodbrain (D-Ttune & Scott Marten Remix)
4. DJ Freeze - Play that buzzin mashup
5. DJ Freeze - Quadraphonia musical mezzup
6. Binum - 303
7. Dr Rude - Babyboom is in the house
8. Immagione - La musica del futuro (Addict Bootleg)
9. Housebangerz & Gizmo - Saw 2015
10. Wodan - Mashup 3.0
11. Wodan - Control the three gods
12. Potato & Red Ace - Get this witch
13. Speakerfreakz - Pull over 2014
14. Dr Phunk - Outside world
15. DJ Isaac - Bad Dreams (Da Pauli Remix)
16. Nowaxx - King of Pain
17. Lowriderz - Back in time megamix
18. Paul Elstak - Promised Land (Francois & Pat B Bootleg)
19. DJ Paul & The Stunned Guys - Thrillseeka (Pat B & Nowaxx Bootleg)
20. JS - Vingertrekker
21. Mad-E-Fact - The Hustle (Vitellus Bootleg)
22. Square Dimensione - Brand New Dance (Freestyle Maniacs Remix)
23. Forze DJ Team - '98 to piano (Kutski & DJ Y.O.Z. DJ Tool)
24. Ruthless & Dave S - Save The Acid Dream
25. Potato & Vince - Young Birds
26. The Prophet & The Darkraver - Jumpp Upp
27. Potato & Luna - Blender
28. The Prophet - H3Y (Orphan Mashup)
29. Neophyte - Braincrackin' (Titan & Slim Shore Remix)
30. Nico & Tetta ft digital mindz - Restart the party