Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Trone @ Danger FM Australian Special

Early Hardstyle

Submitted by: K-Cin @

Filetype: 192 kbit MP3
Length: 01:00:00

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AWESOME Early HS by Melbourne Resident DJ Trone !

Rated by: A-BASS K-Cin Lady_Pure Tanic Geck-o OldschoolRaver MattiX wally chris_one kardar w6rk
Favorited by: OldschoolRaver


Sa.Vee.Oh - Loop Hole
Ricky T - Generation T (Hardstyle Mix)
Zero Vision - Overdrive
Showtek - Down Under
Tatanka - GTP (Technoboy Remix)
Cally & Juice - Do It Like This (Trance Generators Remix)
Tronik - Sensational (Ultronik Mix)
Jon The Baptist - Angel (Trance Generators Devil Mix)
The Raiders - Speaker Leader (Leader Mix)
Donkey Rollers - No One Can Stop Us
Trilok & Chiren - Mythica
Alpha2 - Nowhere To Hide
Beholder & Balistic feat. Max Enforcer - Decibel 2003 (Hard Mix)

Lady_Pure -
 :rtfm:  :slow:  :p

da Tracklist please!!!  :W
djtrone -
heres the tracklist, if the uploader wants to edit it and add:

Sa.Vee.Oh - Loop Hole
Ricky T - Generation T (Hardstyle Mix)
Zero Vision - Overdrive
Showtek - Down Under
Tatanka - GTP (Technoboy Remix)
Cally & Juice - Do It Like This (Trance Generators Remix)
Tronik - Sensational (Ultronik Mix)
Jon The Baptist - Angel (Trance Generators Devil Mix)
The Raiders - Speaker Leader (Leader Mix)
Donkey Rollers - No One Can Stop Us
Trilok & Chiren - Mythica
Alpha2 - Nowhere To Hide
Beholder & Balistic feat. Max Enforcer - Decibel 2003 (Hard Mix)
Lady_Pure -
thx Trone.......................  :yay:
djtrone -
no problems, hope you like it  :D
Tanic -
DjPractice -
great list Kasper  :)
MattiX -
Best set of the DangerFM Aussie Special IMO.

Nice set Trone  :thumbsup:.
OldschoolRaver -
Ricky T - Generation T (Hardstyle Mix)
Zero Vision - Overdrive
great earl reallll shit  ;)  :worship:  :worship:  :worship:
little bit to short  :(
But its so ultranicermixxed the tracks  :bomb:  :bomb:  :yum:
savi0r89 -
Really good tracklist.. but :

Alpha2 - Nowhere To Hide

eHS ?  =]
djtrone -
On 13-05-2009 10:41:53, savi0r89 wrote:

Really good tracklist.. but :

Alpha2 - Nowhere To Hide

eHS ?  =]

yeah its all early HS apart from down under & nowhere to hide... 11 out of 13 early tracks is close enough :P
theres no genre icon for half half  :D