Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Psycho Killer @ Toxic Sickness Radio


Submitted by: JeffreyFCT @
Last edited by: JeffreyFCT @

Filetype: MP3
Length: 01:01:47
Rated by: dhrrob RobinNDA Drugzz Sarge knert mindspitter JeffreyFCT PsychoKillerOfficial
Favorited by: dhrrob

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1. Imperium Bass - Thunderdome Mini Mashup
2. The Demon Dwarf - Should Be Dead
3. The Unfamous - Kaboomized Bitch
4. Demolior - Despair
5. Partyraiser & Darkcontroller - God, What The Hell?!
6. Wars Industry & System Overload - Faya Them
7. Madnezz - Running Artcore
8. The Demon Dwarf vs Psycho Killer - Guess What
9. A-Kriv & Myosuke - Union
10. Icha & Neophyte - Fear
11. Deterrent Man - Cracks In The Cradle
12. ID (ID)
13. Unrest - Fuck
14. StickHead & Don Demon - DemonHead (Darkcontroller & s'Aphira 2013 ReFix)
15. The Demon Dwarf vs Psycho Killer - Take It Away
16. The Bassrider - Fucking Awesome
17. Sjammienators - Life's A Bitch
18. Sjammienators - Shish Kebab Your Ass
19. Vandal!sm - Violence
20. Vextor - Suck My Balls

melvin053 -
iemand die track 18 weet?
"big army going to shis kebab your ass"