Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

VicN'Ber @ LSDB Unleashed @ Realhardstyleradio


Submitted by: SoundTrader @

Filetype: MP3

More info Rates and comments plz

Rated by: DJArvee Tanic donkeyrollers ThaMaster Basscontrollerz Nevio Legolas D-Mind KevinH Absynenth RoulenD Deserteagles swytech hawker A-BASS MaTTaM Nois3controll3r Lady_Pure NeRk Loony


01. Patrick Placie and Frank Ellrich – Sticky Tape (Marcus Schossow remix)
02. Mr Sam –Tantra (Evol Waves Remix)
03. Fausto – Raise Up
04. Club Scene Investigators – Direct Dizco (SvD remix)
05. Dr Willis – Shark Infested Waters (Kamui remix )
06. Marcel Woods vs Jesselyn - Flora
07. Kidd Kaos – Logical Contrast
08. Amber D – Ambers Theme (Alex Kidd vs Kidd Kaos remix)
09. Organ Donors – Super Mario Brothers
10. Kold Konexion & Luna – Magic Minus
11. Emphasis - Space Travellers (Upsynth vs Rude remix)

DJArvee -
Jullie Ma
 :L  :L  :L
09. Organ Donors – Super Mario Brothers  :w00t:
DJArvee -
Jullie Ma
btw,. can you change tag?
Event: LSDB Unleashed
Episode/special (optional): @ Realhardstyleradio
Odyssee -
nee daar zijn set editors voor
ThaMaster -
Baas in alle opzichten.
Organ Donors – Super Mario Brothers  :worship:

normally i dont listen to hardtrance but i kinda like it:)
Legolas -
heard better sorry  :$
SoundTrader -
▓\/▓ ▓\▓ ▓\/▓ ▓_
thx  :thumbsup2: np legolas  :thumbsup:
Pithune -
Shadow Interaction
On 09-05-2009 15:11:36, DJArvee wrote:

btw,. can you change tag?
Event: LSDB Unleashed
Episode/special (optional): @ Realhardstyleradio

D-Mind -
Nice one banana  :D
SoundTrader -
▓\/▓ ▓\▓ ▓\/▓ ▓_

 :D thx
Absynenth -
The Acolyte
lekker  :worship:
D-Mind -
Hahaha that's a huge bañana  :w00t:
NeRk -
ÑaM ÑaM!
Thx people, i know that mix with VDJ not better than mix with mixtable, i will buy one cheap for Oddy be happy  :)

Thx for the negative and positive coments and ratings  ;)

LSDB  :L  :L