Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Hardnoize @ This Is The Sound Of Oldschool Hardcore

Early Hardcore   Early Terror

Submitted by: hardnoize @
Last edited by: Hansolo @

Length: 02:23:00
Rated by: barthard47 Marcel-o pointlesspoint
Favorited by: Hansolo

View as plain text


1. Turbulence - Six Million Ways To Die
2. Static Tremor - Strobe
3. Program 1 - Shoot Dis M.F.
4. Program 1 - Betrayer (Pow!)
5. Naked Steel - Vive La France
6. Forze DJ Team - Do It
7. Marc Smith - Techno Dup
8. Juggernaut - Don't Fuck With A Ruffneck
9. Braindead - Braindead (Anasthasia Mix)
10. Lenny Dee - Hear The Bell Ring
11. Lenny Dee & The Hardcore Warriors - Funky Twisted
12. Nitrotek - Boom!
13. Two Terrorists - M.F.
14. Black Blood - Hinter Dem Vorhang Der Dunkelheit
15. Wasting Program - Bring That Shit Back
16. Painbringer - Words of '95
17. Knightvision - Knight Of Visions
18. Cybernators - Ridiculous Lyrics (Ruffex Remix By Ectomorph & Myrmidon)
19. Choose - Padd
20. Darrien Kelly & Scott Brown - Geleihoofd
21. Rob Gee - Get The Fuck Up
22. Omar Santana - Step The Fuck Back
23. Fear Factory - T-1000 (H-K) (DJ Dano Remix)
24. Aggroman - Cloze Your Eyez
25. Buzz Fuzz - Countdown (Less Than Zero Workout)
26. DJ Jordens vs. Flamman & Abraxas - Sarin
27. Somebody From Rotterdam - Son Of A Bitch (Frankfurt Mix)
28. Dip - Sharpin Noise
29. Nasty Django - Hardcore Muthafucka
30. Nordcore G.M.B.H. - Robocop
31. Hellfish - Serious-Evil-Shit-Mission-3
32. Rude Ass Tinker - Silk Ties
33. Darkside - Tap Into Your Anger
34. Overcast - Cut Session
35. Moby - Thousand
36. Overcast - Only Way In (Remix @ 3PM)
37. Las Vegas 909 - Turn It Up
38. Hellfish - Turntable Savage
39. Stickhead & Don Demon - Demonhead
40. DJ Skinhead - Take It Outside
41. Liza N' Eliaz & Laurent Hô - Ctrl3
42. Rage Reset - Feel This
43. The Beumer Society - Udah 220V
44. DJ 8Mix - Hardiness
45. Noize Generator - Highly Religious
46. Disturbance - Under Attack
47. Overcast - I Will Attack
48. Disciples Of Annihilation - Ya Mutha
49. Traffik - Afraid Of The Dark
50. Dogge Team - We Came To Hool
51. Traffik - Trip To Hell
52. Angel Flo & Armaguet Nad - Rotter.....What?
53. Animal Intelligence - True To The Game
54. 3 Da Hard Way - Pull The Trigger (Temper Tantrum Mix)
55. 1210 Jazz - Presents The Book Of Five Scratches: Book 2 Water

N22 -
The mediafire DL-link does not work, "Permission Denied."
Nonetheless, great mix  :)
Edited by N22 on 15-02-2015 18:20
hardnoize -
it is now working  :) I checked it  :)
Needlemouth -
The mediafire DL-link does not work, "Permission Denied."
Tweak1976 -
Missing The Good Old Days
On 15-02-2015 22:28:35, hardnoize wrote:

it is now working  :) I checked it  :)

Heb je er een 'public download' van gemaakt? Mediafire werkt inderdaad niet.
Permission Denied = Je geeft geen toestemming om anderen te laten downloaden.

Het maakt niet uit of de link op 'public' of 'personal' staat, zelf kan je altijd van je eigen profile downloaden.
Edited by Tweak1976 on 16-02-2015 09:42
hardnoize -
dat is vreemd want hij is toch gedownload, dat zou dan ook niet moeten kunnen lijkt mij?
Marcel-o -
is that you
On 15-02-2015 18:20:15, N22 wrote:

The mediafire DL-link does not work, "Permission Denied."
Nonetheless, great mix  :)

Is that you?
Edited by Marcel-o on 16-02-2015 15:15
N22 -
On 16-02-2015 15:13:59, hardnoize wrote:

dat is vreemd want hij is toch gedownload, dat zou dan ook niet moeten kunnen lijkt mij?

Link werkt helaas nog steeds niet  :(
N22 -
On 16-02-2015 15:15:00, Marcel-o wrote:

is that you[...]

Is that you?

Theo van den Hark, aangenaam.
hardnoize -
nu is het WEL opgelost, er stond ook "copyright" bij, vanwege het intro vermoed ik dus die heb ik nu achterwege gelaten en opnieuw geupload. nieuwe link is al toegevoegd