Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Skitzaph0nic @ Battlecast #06


Submitted by: hardcorerepublic @

Filetype: 320 kbit MP3
Length: 01:00:16

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Skitzaph0nic - Battlecast 6

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1. Nebulist - Desolate
2. Limewax - Space And Time
3. Ophidian - Harlequin
4. Synapse - Primal And Pure
5. I:Gor - Lost Control
6. Audio & Donny - Horribly Ribbed (Katharsys Remix)
7. Donny - Brain Rape
8. Audio - Burn it Down
9. Counterstrike - Devil Fish
10. Figure - The Devil
11. SA†AN - They Evolve
12. Switch Technique - Dusk Reek
13. Limewax - Woooooooh
14. C-Netik - Visonary
15. Sei2ure - I Am God
16. Counterstrike - Impossible Misson
17. Deathmachine - Extermination
18. Switch Technique - Belladonna
19. The Hard Way - Sodomizer
20. The Hard Way - Suck Satan's Cock
21. Skitzaph0nic - Thor's Hammers
22. Cooh - In Flames
23. Skitzaph0nic - The Chaos Gods
24. C-Netik - Loom
25. Deathmachine - The question
26. Limewax - Lumpeth
27. Tatlum - No Man (VIP)
28. Freqax - Fuck You (Tatlum Remix)