Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Groin @ Harsh Koc'h Never Moc'h

Speedcore   Breakcore   Industrial

Submitted by: hardcorerepublic @
Last edited by: hardcorerepublic @

Filetype: 128 kbit MP3
Length: 01:10:48

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GROIN [2011.12] HarshKochNeverMoch

"A distance respectueuse du fil électrifié, les porcs défilent"
(Harsh Koc'h Never Moc'h) GROIN 21.12.2011.

Rated by: AkiraDark95 speedman[]

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1. Artaud Antonin - Pour En Finir Avec Le Jugement De Dieu (Extrait)
2. Nightmare Lullabies - Don't Wait Up
3. Nurse With Wound - Wisecrack
4. Rgyeue DF - Freigetr / Tome 3
5. EPC - Manulu
6. Mortobello Steril - Saublöder Rythm Industrial Megamix Pt.2
7. Felix Kubin - Vater Muss Die Stube Peitschen
8. Nurse With Wound - Brained
9. Nightmare Lullabies - Research Area Evacuated
10. Somatic Responses - Don't Stamp Til You Get Enough!
11. Earl Of Reformation aka Lasse Steen - Untitled (A2) (Killing Rate 01)
12. Napalm - B3 (Napalm 05)
13. Noize Generator - Electric Noize
14. EPC - Nickelodeon
15. A.N.T.I. - Kind Ov Addiction
16. Dar - Tintin
17. A.N.T.I. - Inner Space Explode
18. Micropoint - Return Of The T-Rex
19. Black Lung - Prema
20. Skatesukkaz - German Taratata
21. Felix Kubin - Wagner 99
22. Senical - Pity Attack
23. Popeye You Know - Cosmic Inadequacy Of Noizy Wanker
24. Atomic Clock aka Brandon Spivey - Dark Acid
25. Pure - Katharsis
26. Psykotropp - Dépendances Circulaires
27. Suburbia, Ethnox & Mosmacrew - Suburban Core
28. John Dark - Untitled B1 (YB.70 03)
29. Mouse - Hemostase
30. John Dark - Crash Test
31. Save - Phase B
32. Erasehead - Dead
33. Convectorh & DJ 0000 - Accélérateur De Particules
34. Nurse With Wound - Musical Bovine Spongiform (The Mad Cow Two-Step)
35. Nurse With Wound - Sheila Na Gig
36. Nightmare Lullabies - Don't Wait Up
37. Artaud Antonin - Pour En Finir Avec Le Jugement De Dieu (Extrait)