Shoutbox: [11:47] Vinyl_Vinnie: Happy Holidays everyone!

S'Aphira @ The Walking Hard Promo Mix


Submitted by: JeffreyFCT @

Filetype: MP3
Length: 00:30:29
Rated by: Artistic_HB MoDi Tunnelgaenger Sarge Hansolo LucasBerkvens072 Ressurection TimTim DjDwaasnoizer arnauet_gabber BvanDongen
Favorited by: arnauet_gabber

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1. ID (ID)
2. Partyraiser & Darkcontroller - God, What The Hell?!
3. ID (ID)
4. Dione - Pain till I Die (SRB Muppet Mash-up)
5. Hardbouncer - Atrocity
6. ID (Wars Industry - ID)
7. J-Roon & Kosmix - Attack Em
8. Vandal!sm - Violence
9. Brainwash - Respect
10. Deterrent Man - Get Da Fuck Out
11. Dr. Peacock & Repix - WTF!
12. ID (ID)
13. Drokz & Deterrent Man - Beef With The Police

DjDwaasnoizer -
oooohhhh yeaaahhhhhhh i love this mix its hard fast and strongerrrrrr
arnauet_gabber -
amazing promomix  :D thanks you s'aphiraaaaaaa

you set is the best !!!!!!!