Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Partyraiser & F. Noize @ Project Hardcore 2014


Submitted by: D4RkN3sS @
Last edited by: JeffreyFCT @

Filetype: MP3
Length: 01:00:46
Rated by: D4RkN3sS Artistic_HB smakkie DjRepix MJD_93 hardevg LarsHardstyle Ressurection Dubi F.Noize willieb85 RobinNDA motionbobo donut AkiraDark95 Scooby-Doo Sarge Nylez Robintjuh HardT3K-Tic PeterPan mudkipz Ulsen DjDwaasnoizer djgordon TheDudeJustin Er_MuReNa c.bierman yean0 glaudemans MichalVanGabberCZ knert Xperior walbier stefan__EHV HARDCOREnewsNL loco-nl sprekk EceergDJ julien92600 gero JeffreyFCT Partylover1992 stiba BvanDongen DJTheJoker joostwest View all ratings
Favorited by: Hansolo D4RkN3sS djgordon MichalVanGabberCZ walbier loco-nl HardT3K-Tic Facebook_698468946971064

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1. The Melodyst - Cocaine Soundtrack (2)
2. Paul Elstak & MC Ruffian - Rage (The Unfamous & Radiate Remix) (1)
3. Onesimk - Industry (1)
4. Angerfist & Crucifier - Fresh With The Gargle (Partyraiser Remix)
5. Noize Bangerz ft. MC Jeff - Leaders Of The Core (F. Noize Remix)
6. A-Kriv & Out Of Mind - Bang With The Gang (1)
7. Partyraiser ft. Mouth Of Madness - Look When You Shoot
8. Destructive Tendencies ft. Hardbouncer - Destiny
9. Sjammienators - Life's A Bitch
10. The Punisher vs F. Noize - Rage
11. Partyraiser & Darkcontroller - God, What The Hell?!
12. Lady Dammage - Serious Dammage (1)
13. Repix - Die Hardcore (1)
14. F. Noize ft. Glenx - Superman 2012
15. Hardbouncer - Blow Your Mind
16. Out Of Mind ft. Hydroxide - Tear Down The Place (1)
17. ID (Mr. Miyagi - ID) (1)
18. J-Roon & Kosmix - Attack Em
19. Partyraiser & Scrape Face - Enjoy The Noise
20. F. Noize & Chain - Breaking Back (1)
21. Dave Dope - Trippin' Ragga Bitch
22. Vandal!sm - Food for Vandals
23. Broken Minds - Paquito El Chocolaterror
24. Drokz & Deterrent Man - Beef With The Police
25. Cemon Victa - Verdoemenis (2)
26. UKTM vs F. Noize - Ryukore
27. Cemon Victa - Verdoemenis
28. UKTM - Trigger Finger

Ressurection -
live and let die
iemand hier een zippylinkje voor? soundcloud heb er bij mij geen zin in vandaag  -_-
willieb85 -
HOPPAA !!! eindelijk.. vanavond mooi erop !! knallend nieuwe jaar in
LarsHardstyle -
zippy added!
RobinNDA -
Geweldige set ! _O_
JeffreyFCT [Set Editor] -
01. ID
02. The Unfamous? - ID
03. ID
04. Angerfist & Crucifier - Fresh With The Gargle (Partyraiser Remix)
05. Noize Bangerz feat. MC Jeff - Leaders Of The Core (F. Noize Remix)
06. Partyraiser Ft. Mouth Of Madness - Look When You Shoot
07. Destructive Tendencies vs Hardbouncer - Destiny
08. Sjammienators - Life's A Bitch
09. The Punisher vs F. Noize - Rage
10. Partyraiser & Darkcontroller - God, What The Hell?!
11. ID
12. ID
13. F. Noize ft. Glenx - Superman 2012
14. Hardbouncer - Blow Your Mind
15. ID
16. Hardbouncer - ID
17. J-Roon & Kosmix - Attack Em
18. ID
19. Drokz - ID
20. ID
21. ID
22. Broken Minds - Paquito El Chocolaterror
23. Drokz feat Deterrent Man - Beef With The Police
24. ID
25. UKTM vs. F. Noize - Ryukore
26. ID
Nylez -
27. UKTM - Trigger Finger
Ressurection -
live and let die
21: Vandal!sm - Food for Vandals
DjDwaasnoizer -
12. Repix- Fuck The World
CemonVictaMusic -
26: cemon victa - verdoemenis  ;)
mudkipz -
ik ben een hondje, miauw
En ook nog eens geen MC  :L
loco-nl -
Deze ramt er flink doorheen zeg.. en zoals gezegd geen mc erdoorheen.. super!!
JeffreyFCT [Set Editor] -
01. The Melodyst - Cocaine
JeffreyFCT [Set Editor] -
24 isn't Stinger Vs. X-Mind - Asthma (Cemtex Remix), but it's the same track as 26, Cemon Victa - Verdoemenis.
walbier -
between track 5 & 6 is a track tho..
stiba -
The Fruit That Makes The Fristi
bazeeeeen van de club
JeffreyFCT [Set Editor] -
12. Lady Dammage - Serious Dammage
JeffreyFCT [Set Editor] -
13. Repix - Die Hardcore
20. F. Noize & Chain - Breaking Back
Edited by JeffreyFCT on 29-01-2015 11:26
JeffreyFCT [Set Editor] -
16. Out Of Mind ft. Hydroxide - Tear Down The Place
17. Mr. Miyagi - ID
Edited by JeffreyFCT on 03-02-2015 17:24