Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Tempore @ Eatbrain

Jungle   Breakcore   Drum & Bass

Submitted by: hardcorerepublic @

Filetype: 320 kbit MP3
Length: 00:57:58

More info
Tempore - Live@Eatbrain 18-7-14

"Set from the Monkey Dance room @ Eatbrain on the 18.7.14, Black Swan. Grab a D/L!!

Presented by Subliminal Audio. And a subliminal night it was!"

Rated by: AkiraDark95

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1. DJ Fuk - Fuk You Henry
2. (DuB)ious - Bloodclot Gangster
3. Jamin Nimjah - A Bad Youth Dem Cold
4. (DuB)ious - Police & Badboy
5. OmniRhythm - Nice Up The Area
6. Apzolut - That Hurts
7. Sixfootunda & Direct Feed - Johny Flys West Side Grade
8. TMG - Sound Foundation (Remix)
9. DJ L.A.B. - Clean Ya Gun
10. wAgAwAgA - Mayfair Gun Juice 2
11. SuM - Mysteries Of A Sacred Universe
12. AcdBrnOut - Tzitzimime
13. Earl Grey & - Militant (L3ft Luca5 Remix)
14. + Axewound - Babylon Junglist
15. FFF - Amen Soldier
16. Apeonix - Relentless
17. Sargy + Raggamuffin - Destruktion
18. Evade - 3AM Blackout
19. Resinate - Deft
20. Tech Itch - Cracking Core VIP
21. Mustard Pimp - Renegade (SPL Remix)
22. AcdBrnOut - Nice one bruva
23. General Waste & C3B - Mwahahaha
24. Raiden & Current Value - RM Bleeps
25. The Sect - Turrican (Katharsys Remix)
26. Krumble - Old World Disorder