Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

RushGBH @ A Tribute To Technoboy Part I


Submitted by: Novate @

Filetype: 128 kbit MP3

More info
RushGBH: ''Hey Peeps,

Following weeks of compiling and not forgetting your input into the tracklisting im pleased to bring you my tribute to Technoboy....

There will be two versions of the Disks one being 155 bpm and the other 165 bpm as i know some like it fast and some like it slow

I have to say this compilation was a true test and at times i just wanted to smash up my equipment as some tunes just didnt wanna play into any other lol

But aswell as this im very happy with the outcome and have been educated and have discovered many grt tracks i never knew existed.

So without further ado i present to you......

RushGBH - Tribute To Technoboy''

Rated by: [deleted user] sharez nICo [deleted user] KevinH A-BASS Polidori [deleted user] DJArvee Damustrial


Noise Tool
Viva Robot
First Match
Devils doll
Sex Busters
The Hardstyle Factory
Call It Hardstyle
Ravers Rule
The Creation
Hardrive (Lesson 1)
Scratch My bitch Up
Noise One
War Machine