Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Putu @ HardPower 3

Hardcore   Frenchcore   Terror

Submitted by: Hansolo @
Last edited by: JurneSleddens @

Length: 01:16:48
Rated by: Hansolo
Favorited by: Hansolo

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1. A-kriv - Fuck Katy
2. Art of Fighters - Goodbye (See You Next Time)
3. Al Twisted & Necrotic - 4&3&2&1
4. Dr. Peacock & Repix - Blow Your Mind Again
5. The Vinylraider & Vendettah - No Cocaine
6. Al Twisted - Chaos Evolves
7. Mr. Courage - Let's Get Dirty
8. Deterrent Man - Cracks In The Cradle
9. A-Kriv & F. Noize - This Is Mine
10. DJ Skinhead - Extreme Terror (The Sickest Squad Remix)
11. Brutal Jesters - So vicious
12. Cryogenic Vs. Darkcontroller - Seen It All
13. The Sickest Squad - In72 (Sirio Remix)
14. Adrenokrome - Tell Me Goodbye
15. Darkcontroller ft. MC ADK - Terror Machine Anthem
16. Vendettah - Underground Boom
17. Subversion vs The Braindrillerz - Crack Them Pussy (F. Noize Remix)
18. Broken Minds & Omi - Paquito El Chocolaterror
19. Striker - It's Time For Terror
20. SRB - Headbooster
21. Da Horseman - Dark Unicorn