Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

ADM @ Global Evolution


Submitted by: LORDTEMO @
Last edited by: Hansolo @

Length: 00:57:58

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Rated by: LORDTEMO massdna Antimildstyler ArielBeat Hansolo

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1. ADM - Aliens VS. Machines
2. Hardforze meets Kuruption - Whispers
3. DJ Anima - State Of Emergency
4. DJ Husband - Digital Disruption (ADM Remix)
5. Wragg - Entity
6. Nickdbubble & Costa Pantazis - Aphrodite (ADM Remix)
7. Ben Eye & Iain Cross - No Sleep
8. ADM - The Black List
9. Jim Justice - Heavy Bass Music
10. DJ Medowz - Blackout (Hardforze Remix)
11. Yakooza - Cocaïne (ADM Bootleg)
12. Noisecontrollers - Addictive Fantasy
13. Noisecontrollers - Faster 'N Further

Hansolo [Set Editor] -
Nice mix  :thumbsup: