Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Partyraiser @ Vive La Frenchcore Deux Promo Mix


Submitted by: HardT3K-Tic @
Last edited by: SandStorm @

Filetype: MP3
Length: 00:30:29
Rated by: Pyd D4RkN3sS hardevg JonkoJ Sarge Klauww Scooby-Doo HardT3K-Tic floor88 Olla RobinNDA VerCouter 024 Saba1980 Hansolo Darksound
Favorited by: Noisefreak

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1. Mr. Madness ft. How Hard - Burn It (X-Mind Remix) (2)
2. Braincrash - Respect
3. Deterrent Man - You Comprendes
4. Cryogenic Vs. Darkcontroller - Seen It All
5. Andy The Core - Drop Zone
6. Partyraiser & MC Tha Mouth of Madness - Look When You Shoot
7. Biorekk - Get Up On This (Andy The Core Remix)
8. DJane RVT & Lady Bex - Lady Attack (1)
9. The Unfamous - Kaboomized Bitch
10. Angerfist & Crucifier - Fresh With The Gargle (Partyraiser Remix)
11. Vextor - That's My Name (Dave Dope Remix)
12. Dr. Peacock & Repix - WTF! (1)

JeffreyFCT [Set Editor] -
01. ID
02. ID
03. Deterrent Man - You Comprendes
04. Cryogenic vs Darkcontroller - Seen It All
05. Andy The Core - Drop Zone
06. Partyraiser & MC Tha Mouth of Madness - Look When You Shoot
07. Biorekk - Get Upon This (Andy The Core Remix)
08. ID
09. The Unfamous - Kaboomized Bitch
10. Angerfist - Fresh With The Gargle (Partyraiser Remix)
11. Vextor - That's My Name (Dave Dope Remix)
12. ID
Nickwouters -
02.Braincash - Respect
antonio-PontAeri -
I need get the last songg!! bffff i love it
JeffreyFCT [Set Editor] -
08. Djane RVT & Lady Bex - Lady Attack
12. Dr. Peacock & Repix - WTF!
Edited by JeffreyFCT on 19-12-2014 18:22
Tobs -
1. Mr. Madness Feat. How Hard - Burn It (X-Mind Remix
Darksound -
Easycore?  :-/  :-/  :-/