Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Paul van Dyk @ Rosenmontagsrave


Submitted by: Hansolo @

Length: 02:01:43

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Turbinenhalle Oberhausen, Germany

Rated by: HPF

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1. Junk Project - The Green Series (A1 Mix)
2. Trancesetters - The Saga
3. Ferry Corsten - Punk
4. Alvin Dorsey & Nick Petrel - K
5. The Space Brothers - Everywhere I Go (Push's Transcendental Remix) (Paul van Dyk Rework)
6. Solid Sleep - Club Attack (Paul van Dyk's T.P.O.D. Mix)
7. Romanthony - Never fuck (Paul van Dyk's "Late Night" Club Mix)
8. Roger Goode - In The Begining (Ferry Corsten Remix)
9. Avanza - Take Control (Dub)
10. Blank & Jones - Desire (4 Strings Remix)
11. Aquanuts - Deep Sea (Martin Eyerer Remix)
12. Roland Klinkenberg & Danny Bakker - Keep On Rockin'
13. Green Velvet - La La Land (Thomas Krome Remix)
14. Members of Mayday - Sonic Empire (Jan Driver Remix)
15. Starsplash - China Lounge
16. Bill Hamel - Perspectives (Expansion Remix)
17. Ayumi Hamasaki - Unite (Airwave Dub)
18. BK & Nick Sentience - Flash
19. Paul van Dyk - Animacion
20. Ayumi Hamasaki - M (Above & Beyond's "Typhoon" Dub)
21. Kosheen - Catch (Hiver & Hammer's "Flight over Hamburg" Remix)
22. Guardians of Earth - Starchildren (Paul van Dyk Rework)
23. 4 Strings - Into The Night
24. NU NRG - Dreamland

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