Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Dario @ New Talents Tribute


Submitted by: TenZ @
Last edited by: TenZ @

Filetype: 192 kbit MP3
Length: 01:15:59

More info
I started to be tired to see always the same tracklist in the actual hardstyle scene so I decided to make a set with new faces in the hardstyle scene.
Most of the tracks I played here are free releases  :)

Hope you will enjoy these new talents as much as I do !
Special mention for Desired Effectz and Concept Art that I discoverd while looking for tracks to play, they will become big soon I'm sure !

Rate & share guys !!!

Still on facebook and mixcloud :

Rated by: Aerobass Meggido Quatto Vector

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1. Sweclubberz - At The Brink
2. Deepshoutz - Timeless Dream
3. Cazzette - Sleepless (Desired Effectz Remix)
4. Refuzion & Popr3b3l - Hardstyle DNA(DNA Anthem 2014)
5. JML - No Fear
6. Distance - Just Relax
7. Demolite - Stratosfear
8. Sephyx - Huh
9. D.E.Q. - Hyper Nova
10. Hardwave - Elevate
11. Unex & Wave Amplifier - Reborn
12. Tropus - The Construct
13. Enigma - Through The Night
14. Desired Effectz - Superficial Intelligence
15. Concept Art - Genocide
16. Audiomedics - Bass!!
17. Concept Art - Spirit Of The Night
18. Bass Chaserz - Trilla
19. D-Mind - Fuckin' Roller
20. Digital Mindz - Resonant Faxi Darkness (Ravert Mash-Up)
21. D-Sturb - Unsung Hero
22. Nico & Tetta - Restart the Party (Digital Mindz And Riiho Remix)