Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

DenDB's @ EarInFucktion - Battle Royal Promo Mix

Hardcore   Terror

Submitted by: DenDB @
Last edited by: JeffreyFCT @

Filetype: 320 kbit MP3
Length: 00:58:05

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YESSS! The promo mix is ready, you're gonna get a nasty Earinfucktion :/ i'm very sorry for that....

All great tracks but Drop Zone by Andy The Core Track of the month for sure. Beast of a track  :o

Can't wait to smash the floor at Earinfucktion, it'll be complete mayhem !!


Rated by: Ricardoraoul [deleted user] DenDB Haardkoor Sarge fragany

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1. N-Vitral - The Sicko Cell
2. Sandy Warez - Whoops
3. DJ Mad Dog - Rewind (Andy The Core Remix)
4. DJ Apathy - Vollmongolen
5. Cryogenic - On Leash
6. Andy The Core - Drop Zone
7. The Punisher - Nothing With Me
8. Chaotic Hostility - Fuck Up Everything
9. Cryogenic Vs. Darkcontroller - Seen It All
10. Braincrash - Respect
11. Unrest - Fuck
12. The Unfamous - Pokke Herrie Special
13. F. Noize ft. Glenx - Superman (System Overload Remix)
14. Deterrant Man - Cracks in the Cradle
15. Wars Industry - Hardcore To Da Bone
16. System:Overload vs Mental Penetration - Ruhr 'G' Beat Anthem 2014
17. The Punisher vs F. Noize - Rage
18. Chaotic Hostility - Terror From Below
19. Unrest - Meth vs Weed
20. Chaotic Hostility - TBA (Preview)

Bakhura -
Sick set mate!  :bomb:
DenDB -
TNX Bro  :D Tracklist added !