Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Miss K8 @ Syndicate 2014


Submitted by: Motorhead @
Last edited by: Hansolo @

Filetype: 224 kbit MP3
Length: 00:57:21
Rated by: massdna dhrrob LucasBerkvens072 oblikus Hansolo crymble hard91
Favorited by: dhrrob Facebook_698468946971064

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1. Miss K8 ft. MC Nolz - Metropolis Of Massacre (Dominator 2014 Anthem)
2. The Melodyst - Drunk & High
3. Miss K8 - Breathless
4. Art of Fighters - Redemption
5. Angerfist & Miss K8 - Santiago
6. X-Pander & Lowroller - Animal
7. Miss K8 - Liquid8
8. Miss K8 & Angerfist - New World Order
9. Tommyknocker - Learn From The Pain
10. T.urbulence - 6 Million Ways To Die
11. Miss K8 - Hallucin8
12. Art of Fighters & Alien T - My Drug: The Competition
13. I:Gor - Serious Hippy
14. Miss K8 - Too Many Answers
15. Negative A & Counterfeit - Present Danger
16. Radical Redemption - God's Child (Minus Militia Remix)
17. Miss K8 - Unforgettable
18. Neophyte vs. Lenny Dee - The Future Priests Of Now (System Shock Remix)
19. Dione - Take It Away
20. Angerfist & Miss K8 - Bloodrush
21. Miss K8 - No More Jokes
22. Crypsis - Break Down Low (Minus Militia Remix)

JeffreyFCT [Set Editor] -
01. Miss K8 ft MC Nolz - Metropolis of Massacre (Official Dominator 2014 Anthem)
02. The Melodyst - Drunk & High #TiH
03. Miss K8 - Breathless
04. Art Of Fighters - Redemption
05. Angerfist & Miss K8 - Santiago
06. X-Pander & Lowroller - Animal
07. Miss K8 - Liquid8
08. Miss K8 & Angerfist - New World Order
09. ID
10. Turbulence - 6 Million Ways To Die
11. Miss K8 - Hallucin8
12. ID
13. ID
14. Miss K8 - Too Many Answers
15. Negative A ft. Counterfeit Present Danger
16. Radical Redemption - God's Child (Minus Militia Remix)
17. Miss K8 - Unforgettable
18. ID
19. ID
20. Angerfist & Miss K8 - Bloodrush
21. Miss K8 - No More Jokes
22. Crypsis - Break Down Low (Minus Militia Remix)
oblikus -
09. Tommyknocker - Learn From The Pain
12. Art of Fighters & Alien T - My drug: the competition
18. Neophyte Vs. Lenny Dee - The Future Priests Of Now (System Shock Remix)
19. Dione - Take It Away
ouafpalouf -
great set !!

Check here for videos :

Miss k8 intro :

Miss k8 outro:
Edited by ouafpalouf on 06-10-2014 09:54