Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Tatanka @ Vox Fudo

Early Hardstyle

Submitted by: Hansolo @
Last edited by: Hansolo @

Length: 01:14:24
Rated by: real7a alexvdh
Favorited by: real7a

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1. Global Cee - Burnin' (Club Mix)
2. DJ Isaac ‎- Nobody Listen To Techno
3. J.T.S. ‎- Bow C Bow (Traxx)
4. Julian DJ & Davide Sonar ‎- Techno Noise (Frequency Mix)
5. Julian DJ & Davide Sonar ‎- Go Go Go
6. Da Boy Tommy - Da Real Jumpstyle (Tatanka Remix)
7. The Prophet - Hardstyle Baby (Vocal Mix)
8. Jordan & Baker - Explode (Epic Extended Mix)
9. Diego Buffoni - Style (Tanzenden Mix)
10. Autokriminal - Express K
11. Ard und Jorn - 16 (DJ Nagoom Mix)
12. Deepack ‎- The Prophecy
13. D-Code - Drum Code (Drum Code)
14. Bison meets The‎ Quakers - I Got Tonight
15. Tatanka - Pumpin' This
16. Hardheadz - Hardhouz Generation

real7a -
I knew this MC is there %)
alexvdh -
need for koek : underground
yeah,not the first time i recognize his voice ..
maybe MC Analogic Boy  :?