Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Negative A & E-Noid pres. DNA DJ Team @ Pandemonium Festival 2014


Submitted by: Hansolo @
Last edited by: Hansolo @

Filetype: 128 kbit MP3
Length: 00:58:50

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A combo with tracks from 2000 till 2014.

Rated by: Hansolo GekkeJan Sentec Marcel-o Sarge Haatpiraat DjDwaasnoizer ulli88 JakHalz mabrookpskt Pyd Bassbasilisk Jlenka massdna Sassie MattiX ketbumps The_Sociopath
Favorited by: Hansolo Bassbasilisk Jlenka mizumo

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1. E-Noid - Mixmaster
2. Dione - Come Here And Die
3. Negative A & Darkcontroller - Drugz 4 Fun
4. E-Noid - Liquid Super D
5. Negative A - White fluids of DNA
6. E-Noid - Destination Death
7. Negative A - Spiteful
8. E-Noid - Piss U Off
9. Negative A & Tymon - Hells Bells
10. Dione - Pain Till I Die
11. Noizeskill - Panic Exhale
12. Dione - Born 2 Raise Hell
13. Negative A - 1976
14. E-Noid - Back Up (1)
15. Negative A - Merciful
16. Dione - Beat Is Pumpin
17. Negative A & Lowroller - The Fallen
18. Dione & Ruffneck - Hellburner
19. ID (ID)
20. Dione - The Noisy Show
21. Negative A & Counterfeit - Present Danger
22. E-Noid - Order Chaos
23. Negative A - Death & Confusion
24. Dione - Eye Of The Storm
25. Negative A vs J-Roon & Kosmix - Trash Talk
26. Negative A - Koksoccer Fuck You (E-Noid Remix)
  w/ Negative A - Smoking Blunt
27. 3 Steps Ahead - In The Name Of Love (Negative A Refix)
28. Dione - Oh God (SRB Remix)

Hansolo [Set Editor] -

 :thumbsup2:  :beer:
Sentec -
Heerlijk  xD
Sentec -
13: E-Noid - Back up
Bassbasilisk -
Hell YEaH !!! I love this "Old" Tracks!!!
Edited by Bassbasilisk on 29-06-2014 20:19
Sentec -
na liquid super d komt eerst nog white fluids of dna van negative a
MattiX -
11. Noizeskill - Panic Exhale (Original Mix) [Negative Audio - NEGA 011]
15. Negative A - Merciful (Original Mix) [Negative Audio - NEGA 017]

23. Negative A - Death & Confusion (Original Mix) [Negative Audio - NEGA 017]