Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Wildstylez @ In Qontrol 2009 - Ctrl.Alt.Delete

Hardstyle   Classic hardstyle

Submitted by: Dr3amcatch3r @
Last edited by: Hansolo @

Filetype: 96 kbit MP3
Length: 01:00:19
Rated by: Dr3amcatch3r Pr1vet [deleted user] koldsa TomStyle SuciF3R x-cored Irys Holephet eMule Johnny250 djblacksun Dhaese Nois3controll3r Maci donkeyrollers xsjefkex Artstylerz Hardstruction JumpingRumun MattiX hakkeman shocknld SilverFlame KevinH wschL --B-- falus djawbrey IceManPr0 D-Mind DJArvee Jro_ jellejelle Q-DanCe__ Basscontrollerz Legolas Simfonik Xerxes valkyr64 Aaronzo LotusEater T-industries Jann DfuzionHardstyle stes hostage Nevio Rum-P Dimension Bosleeuw Spikey fysmif HARDSTYLE_BRABANT nICo JohnCove aye lurch1 Metonae Bierman PhresiF NLS04 Nenad_Westerling Phenomenon m4a1 A-BASS or0d Michiiel B. harderstyles rembelie Michiel201 K-Cin Odyssee klimgeit sharez ThaMaster Partyloverr dennisz alexvdh Teqro Vinner Qarnal fub Dakpan PiiXel Deserteagles Pietjuhhh HardstyleKuh Wojtek lukaszHS N3Gruj jecht knarfieboy SwiRek ExF Saviar chicomaster Twilightzone aMok SBD kharaf AmeN Rzztjuh Rephex TheReckless Cazper Tanic rkvvmmargraten Tunnelgaenger giessuh Calie Rh891 hardhead Jimbo Der-Ully thommie Krijn kwaibegai [deleted user] B.A.S.H sayenjumper Morricone spikk kissofdeath Hektor JanDoedelman Jopjuhh Danna AMR RoulenD thomasyellow Jipdenk VHZD StonedStylez Duruz fragje [deleted user] Speedboats Opperhoofd zum [deleted user] Damustrial ZeroGravity kollie E-Stylezz Revir purogenerator TuneHunterz Setenza Nitrogen Hansolo View all ratings
Favorited by: Simfonik Aaronzo HARDSTYLE_BRABANT fysmif Michiel201 chicomaster B.A.S.H kissofdeath Danna Eline

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1. Project One - The World Is Yours
2. Wildstylez - Muzic Or Noize
3. Frontliner - Expressionz
4. Noisecontrollers - Astral
5. Headhunterz & Wildstylez - Project One
6. Wildstylez - Single Sound
7. Headhunterz & Wildstylez vs Noisecontrollers - Tonight
8. Showtek - Party Lover (Sydney Mix)
9. Frontliner & Wildstylez - Spin that Shit (S.W.A.T. Anthem 2009)
10. Wildstylez - Pleasure
11. Project One - The Story Unfolds
12. Wildstylez - The Phantom Beat
13. Tuneboy - Dirty (Wildstylez Remix)
14. Wildstylez - Revenge
15. Wildstylez - K.Y.H.U. (Noisecontrollers Remix)

Jro_ -
alles begint bij Headhunterz
11. Wildstylez vs Frontliner - Spin That Shit  :L
Basscontrollerz -
Aaronzo -
Nois3controll3r -
01. Intro
03. Wildstylez - Music Or Noize
04. Frontliner - TBA
05. Wildstylez - Single Sound ?????
06. Wildstylez - TBA
08. Wildstylez - Single Sound ?????
09. Headhunterz & Wildstylez Vs. Noisecontrollers - Tonight
10. Showtek - Party Lover (Sydney Mix)
11. Wildstylez - Spin That Shit (?)
12. Wildstylez - Pleasure (Break Cut Vers.)
14. Wildstylez - The Phantom Beat
15. Tuneboy - Dirty (Wildstylez Remix)
16. Wildstylez - Revenge
17. Wildstylez - K.Y.H.U (Noisecontrollers Remix) [Evil Activites Interview]


05. and 08. the same Tracks???
hostage -
don't like it  :X  :X  :X
nw songs, remixes, new P1 vs NC... bad imo
aldi -
AAAARgh Q-dance fucked up again with the stream  :censored:

Good set  :bomb:
Sickne2s -
Spin that shit, daar heeft Frontliner ook aan gewerkt d8 ik....
Jro_ -
alles begint bij Headhunterz
On 26-04-2009 09:33:07, Jro_ wrote:

11. Wildstylez vs Frontliner - Spin That Shit  :L
JohnCove -
I danced my ass off last night  :worship:
Pithune -
Shadow Interaction
Wildstylez - K.Y.H.U (Noisecontrollers Remix)  :worship:
Phenomenon -
Deze set was een heerlijke hs opener!  :worship:

Werd alleen toen al fuckin doof omdat ik de heleset bij de speaker stond  >.<  :6:
wildstylez!  :worship:
Oxygene -
05. Wildstylez - Single Sound

Dat is Josh & Wesz - Like Thiz (Noisecontrollers Remix) toch ?
klimgeit -
On 26-04-2009 15:33:51, Oxygene wrote:

05. Wildstylez - Single Sound

Dat is Josh & Wesz - Like Thiz (Noisecontrollers Remix) toch ?

Zo staat ie wel in de tracklist van set van NC
klimgeit -
sowieso klopt dit niet

05. Wildstylez - Single Sound
06. Wildstylez - TBA

dat is 1 nummer, nc mix van Like Thiz dus
dennisz -
die synth van Like thiz remix is viesss  :yum:
Jro_ -
alles begint bij Headhunterz
Deserteagles -
Hij was geweldig gisteren  :bday:!!!
Ik ben blij dat ik binnen ben gekomen (ben 16 jaar)
ThaMaster -
Baas in alle opzichten.
On 26-04-2009 20:09:15, Deserteagles wrote:

Hij was geweldig gisteren  :bday:!!!
Ik ben blij dat ik binnen ben gekomen (ben homo en 16 jaar)
HardstyleKuh -

NICE SET AND NICE PARTY  :beer:  :yay:  :yay:  :yay:  :yay:  :thumbsup: