Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Fluxilicious @ Hardstyle Session 11


Submitted by: Fluxilicious @

Filetype: 224 kbit MP3
Length: 01:28:14

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1. Phillip Rochard - The World (Frequencerz Bootleg)
2. Noisecontrollers - Attack Again (Thrillogy 2010 Edit)
3. Mako - Our Story (Audiotricz Bootleg)
4. Chakra - Love shines trough (A-Lusion Remix)
5. Noisecontrollers Ft Adele - So High To The Rain
6. The Prophet & Noisecontrollers ft. Leonie Meijer - Make Me Stay
7. Recharge & Proto Bytez - Distraction
8. Code Black & Atmozfears - Accelerate (XXlerator Outdoor 2014 Anthem)
9. Frontliner ft John Harris - Halos (2014 Edit)
10. Kodex - Illusion
11. Wasted Penguinz - You Can't Pull Me Down
12. Electronic Vibes ft. Mime - Don't Leave Me (Original Mix)
13. Da Tweekaz - Frozen (Disney Tool)
14. Pendulum - The Island (Substance One Bootleg)
15. Rebourne - Under Our Surface (Outlands Open Air Anthem 2014)
16. Proto Bytez - Sparkle the faith
17. Phuture Noize - The Heat
18. Luna & Desnar - Stronger
19. Stereotuners - Pirates
20. Main Concern - Machinery (2014 Edit)