Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

D-Mind @ D-Mind & Novate B-Day Bash


Submitted by: D-Mind @

Rated by: [deleted user] Robin_Clark Pithune JumpingRumun ThaMaster IceManPr0 Jro_ Cazper Irys Wojtek CrazyDutchMan Nois3controll3r hawker NeRk Freez Tanic m4h Nevio --B-- XiDJ sharez BeatPusherz Bosleeuw donkeyrollers Legolas PhresiF Zairon Part-E_LovaH bizznizz Opperhoofd steviedoyle A-BASS atzebadekappe View all ratings
Favorited by: [deleted user] Irys


01. Atmozfears - Supernatural
02. Sidney Samson - Emporium 2009 Anthem (D-Mind vs. Meteorica Remix)
03. Vinganza - Red Dwarf
04. The Ripper Pres. Suicide Corps - I Care (Max B. Grant vs. The Ripper & Djanny Mix)
05. Dozer - Hawk
06. D-Mind vs. Ramp - Humanity (D-Mind Mix)
07. Josh & Wesz - Houze Muzik
08. Zany - Razr
09. Abyss & Judge - Unify (Dub Mix)
10. D-Mind Pres. Meteorica - Raw Perception
11. D-Mind vs. Dfuzion - Aero (Final Mix)
12. Noisecontrollers - Ctrl.Alt.Delete
13. 2-Sidez - Afraid

m4h -
Omg, what a NU.  =]
Boooring.  :yawn:
CrazyDutchMan -
On 25-04-2009 02:43:41, Buentie wrote:

Onder de 18 en dan al zulke producties maken. Respect!

 :yes:  :beer:
D-Mind -
On 25-04-2009 13:31:40, m4h wrote:

Omg, what a NU.  =]
Boooring.  :yawn:

If you dont like nu-style, why even bother voting on a genre you dont like?
XiDJ -
Bosleeuw -
Johnny Friday
nice set D-Mind  :worship:
donkeyrollers -
ik vind deze set beter dan Meteorica  :thumbsup:
m4h -
On 25-04-2009 17:36:26, D-Mind wrote:

On 25-04-2009 13:31:40, m4h wrote:

Omg, what a NU.  =]
Boooring.  :yawn:

If you dont like nu-style, why even bother voting on a genre you dont like?

Hmm... I like NU, even 2-3 tracks in this set.  :thumbsup: But most powerful tracks.  :thumbsup: Nu-style can be such. That set have most boring tracks.  :thumbsup: Thats all.  :) For example this set:  :) Inversely than your set.  :p
Part-E_LovaH -
zulke setjes hoor ik alleen maar op feeste
zo hoor ik ze graag!!
al vaak geluisterd en hij blijft lkkr beuken!  :yay:

top setje!  :thumbsup2: