Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Dr. Peacock @ Together We Are Hardcore 2014


Submitted by: Steve. @
Last edited by: HardT3K-Tic @

Filetype: 320 kbit MP3
Length: 00:29:31

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Enjoy!  :D

Rated by: Maximumraver Psychosnarf terror_tripK0181 HardT3K-Tic spatjesixpack Sarge Jeffaaa Er_MuReNa Ownz sannie858 brianvh Robintjuh Hansolo Quentin Durand Dooter The_Sociopath
Favorited by: Psychosnarf HardT3K-Tic Facebook_698468946971064 Dooter

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1. Noisekick - Mosfet
2. Akira - Mong Kok Breakz
3. Igneon System - Ground shaker
4. Tripped & Akira - Hard Spuitwater
5. Tripped - Serial Wanker
6. Drokz & Mr. Courage - Get On Your Knees And Pray
7. The Destroyer - Here No Melody
8. Sonic Overkill - Canario
9. Sonic Overkill - Raise Ya Fist
10. D.O.A. & DJ Narotic - N.Y.C. Speedcore
11. SRB - Psychopathic Booster
12. Noisekick - Ultra Violent Hardcore
13. Noisekick - Destroy
14. Noisekick - Arnica Montana
15. SRB - Don't Worry Be Terror
16. SRB - Foetus Booster
17. Noisekick - Een Klusjesman Uit Drenthe
18. Noisekick - I Wanna Cut
19. Noisekick - Planta Tota
20. DJ Skinhead - Extreme Terror III
21. Marvin Hamlisch - The Entertainer
22. Noisekick - Ik Wil Koken (Outro)

Jeffaaa -
Wat een kanker dikke set jezus.
peakypounder78 -
Ziet er veelbelovend uit..
HardT3K-Tic [Set Editor] -
Archive-Added  :thumbsup: