Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Xerxes @ X3cast 038

Drum & Bass

Submitted by: Xerxes @

Filetype: 320 kbit MP3
Length: 00:50:00

More info
50 Minutes of brutal Drum N Bass with brand new releases by Donny, Peter Kurten, Bratkilla, C-Netik and many many more...

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Rated by: Nvidia Xerxes AlanIsDOMINATOR alexvdh

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1. Black Sun Empire - Dawn of a Dark Day ft. Forei
2. Brainpain - The Swordbringer (Hatework Machine Remix)
3. Bratkilla - Nefertitie
4. Gridlok & Prolix - Mode-M
5. State Of Mind ft. MC Dino - Ghosts
6. The Hard Way - Sodomizer
7. Donny - Swarm & Multiply (Original Mix)
8. Acid Diaper - Get Hard
9. Current Value & Cooh - Biohazard
10. Sinister Souls - Beat The Drum Hard (VIP)
11. C-Netik - Corona Virus
12. Peter Kurten - Walk
13. Gancher & Ruin vs Ca2k - Return Of Ardo
14. Ruffneck - Wraith (Free-K & S.E.B. Remix)
15. Brainpain - Noiz
16. The Outside Agency - Enlightened Species
17. Peter Kurten - Humans