Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Kevin H20 @ La Musica Del Kevintje

Frenchcore   Terror

Submitted by: terror_tripK0181 @

Length: 01:15:00

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Een paar foutjes bij het SRB stukje

Rated by: robinvdvoorde

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1. Pattern J vs DJ Mutante - Ear Strike
2. DJ Mutante - Foufounes Elektrik
3. DJ Mutante - 1-2-3-4
4. Goetia - 1-2-3
5. Frazzbass - Penis Is Evil
6. Micropoint - Crackpipe
7. Micropoint - Detox Tomorrow
8. Progamers ft. Loki Lonestar - Frenchcore S'Il Vous Plait (Frazzbass Remix)
9. Marcus Decks - 1957
10. Akira - XTRM Is What We Are
11. Dam - La rage du peuple
12. Dr. Peacock & Marcus Decks - Vive La Frenchcore (Anthem 2013)
13. Dam - Fake Ass Bitche
14. Dr. Peacock - Trip to Texas
15. NeuroKontrol - This Is A Test
16. Pyrut - Do Do Do I Stutttter
17. Pyrut - IamTheDevil
18. SRB - Highway 666
19. SRB - Break & Eliminate
20. srb - ready 4 battle
21. srb - this beat
22. Dione - Fuckin Sacrilege (SRB Remix)
23. E-Noid - Intergalactic Spacyness (SRB Remix)
24. Paranoizer - Knightriders Of The Dark
25. The Untitled - Eat The Fucken Floor (Straight In Your Face Remix)
26. The Untitled - The Olympic Kills!
27. Partyraiser & Scrape Face - Harder Dan De Rest (Deterrent Man Remix)
28. LK-47 - End Of A Golden Era
29. MatchVill - The Darkside Of Rehab (Sorry Rhianna)
30. Lord Of Speed ft. Peptek - Weekend (De Dimitri Mix)
31. Noisekick - Ik Schiet Je Kapot
32. Shadowlands Terrorists - The First Party Kick
33. TohLPeaks - Brutal Terror Street