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Phuriphonics: Funk Off - Venetian Snares Mix
"Aaron Funk's (Canada's finest export along with Trailer Park Boys and maple syrup) productions are unrivaled. His prolific output of releases over the last 15 years as the wonderfully names Venetian Snares (and many other guises) has generally fallen under the breakcore/IDM/electronica umbrella, but you only need to listen to a handful of his productions to gain an insight into his musical knowledge, and the remarkable way he ingests and vomits it out again in his own inimitable style.
This mix is not easy listening by any stretch of the imagination but their resides within a formal chaos and rhythmic beauty that is unparalleled by many of his imitators. I've got many great memories linked to Funk's output not least his closing set at the Autechre curated ATP back in 2003 - absolute and total dance floor annihilation - perfect. Enjoy... if you can."