Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Pound-R @ Rippin'


Submitted by: JakHalz @
Last edited by: Hansolo @

Length: 01:00:23

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1. Ohmicide - Industrali Impac
2. Nosferatu - The Wolves Of Creation (The Outside Agency Remix)
3. Promo - Eternally Dark (I:Gor Remix)
4. Sei2ure - I'm a Monster (and I don't eat Lobster)
5. Hellsystem ft. Tieum - Time To Prove
6. Tieum & Angerfist - Dirty Man
7. Chrono & Your-On - Automatic Weapons
8. D-Passion - Taking Back Our Rights
9. Darkcontroller vs. Hellter Skellter - Take This
10. Meccano Twins - A.D.A.M.
11. Darkcontroller - Twisted Fuck (The Unfamous Remix)
12. Dark Experiment - Eat Your Mind (Blasphem Remix)
13. Legion Of The Lost - Restore Order
14. Dave Dope - For Lenny
15. System Overload - Sex, Drugs & Rock & Roll
16. Unexist & Tieum - Hands Around My Neck
17. Batch - Shut Up (The Punisher Remix)
18. Emergency Fuckerz - Iron Fist
19. Lenny Dee & Radium - Get Off Your Ass