Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

DJ Casketkrusher @ Gabber.FM 100% Early Hardcore #010 [Special DJ Dano Tribute Set]

Early Hardcore
Rated by: DJ_Casketkrusher AEON BJK

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  Special DJ Dano Tribute Set
1. DJ Dano - Marsh Mellow
2. DJ Dano - About Us?
3. DJ Dano - Best in the West (John Wayne Mix)
4. Dano - This Is Master Control (I Love It)
5. DJ Dano - Something Bigger (Here We Go Again! Remix)
6. DJ Dano - Parade of Love
7. DJ Dano - Bed Dreams
8. DJ Dano - Paradonna On Speed
9. DJ Dano - Let the Drumcomputer Roll
10. Dano - Welcome To The Thunderdome
11. DJ Dano - Terror Is Timeless
12. DJ Dano - Hardcore Still Lives!!!
13. DJ Dano - Question! Answer?
14. Tintin - Nothing Too Fhear
15. Dano - Starting Up
16. DJ Dano & Liza 'n' Eliaz - Gimme a Break!
17. DJ Dano - I'm Gonna Get You!
18. DJ Dano - Move Ya' Body
19. DJ Dano & Z'EV - Big Time Nose
20. DJ Dano - Needle Shock
21. DJ Dano - 120 - 9000 BPM

DJ_Casketkrusher -
DJ Casketkrusher, Early Hardcore
Correct tracklist:

01. DJ Dano - Marsh Mellow
02. DJ Dano - About Us?
03. DJ Dano - Best in the West (John Wayne Mix)
04. DJ Dano - This is Master Control (I Love It!)
05. DJ Dano - Something Bigger (Here We Go Again! Remix)
06. DJ Dano - Parade of Love
07. DJ Dano - Bed Dreams
08. DJ Dano - Paradonna On Speed
09. DJ Dano - Let the Drumcomputer Roll
10. DJ Dano - Welcome to the Thunderdome!
11. DJ Dano - Terror is Timeless!!!
12. DJ Dano - Hardcore Still Lives!!!
13. DJ Dano - Question! Answer?
14. Tintin - Nothing Too Fhear
15. DJ Dano Gabba Kiss
16. DJ Dano - Starting Up Again...
17. DJ Dano & Liza 'n' Eliaz - Gimme a Break!
18. DJ Dano - I'm Gonna Get You!
19. DJ Dano - Move Ya' Body
20. DJ Dano & Z'EV - Big Time Nose
21. DJ Dano - Needle Shock
22. DJ Dano - 120 - 9000 BPM